Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Practical strategies of college Administration an Example of the Topic All Posts by

Practical strategies of college Administration I am an administrator in college. The college is vast and with organized structures. As an administrator. I work with many colleagues and supervisors from different structures of the school system. Some of the structures include: The transport system, food and nutrition, hospital, parents, student board and staff of other school. Every year we admit new students as others graduate. To make the life of the students good, we have discussed with my colleagues and seen that effective inclusion of the community in these structures will be needed for better results. Need essay sample on "Practical strategies of college Administration" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Initially, this is the situation of my working place which I will call school. New students arriving in the college without experience and are not orienyted into the system. Sudents with inability studying together with the healthy students and in the same classroom set up. Racism is practiced in my school by both colleagues and students. A school is an example of an open system because it works with the community to produce desired out come. Incorporation of the community in problem solving is therefore important. With my colleagues, we came up with solutions for the transport problem. A community committee is formed, consisting of potential men and women in the community who own vehicles. They would then sign a memorandum of understanding to transport students from home to school and from school to home at a fixed and affordable price. The community members and student must then observe punctuality. As far as co-curricular travel is concerned the school should buy enough buses to transport students during the field trips. Old buses should be replaced with new ones to avoid accidents. The community vehicles should also be road worthy. The drivers should observe all traffic rules. We also suggested that flyovers and bumps should be constructed to reduce road accidents. Repair of the school roads was also to be effected. As we addressed the disability and racism problem. We saw a need to change the teaching technique of the disabled student following techenques of Eibe and Harold in (Eibe .w and Harold .J ,( 2000) P 91). They ought to receive special education, other than study in the regular classroom setting. We came up with a grouping, which would categorize the disabled students into manageable groups. They were; the mentally retarded, those with hearing impairment, the ones with vision impairment, with speech or language impairment, with serious emotional disturbance, autism, deaf-blindness, traumatic brain injury, specific learning disability, orthopedic impairment and other health impairment or multiple disability to enable effective study. To involve effective community involvement in the community contributes funds to build more toilets and pavements for the disabled in the school. Trained drivers who can drive the small three-wheeled car locally known as the tuck from the community are employed by the school to transport the disabled community from one lecturer hall to another. The racism problem should also be solved with the help of the community. The community should encourage the students to live as one by example. That is by the community acting as a role model. Also document conversion services such as book son tape ' digital audio and electronic formats should be made available for the disabled in the library. The parents in the community are challenged to encourage the disabled student and have an open dialogue on all matters. The community would support the disabled student in education continuity through giving financial aid and scholarship opportunities. Interpreting services for the deaf students. Interpreters should be able to offer sign language interpretation in ASL, PSE and ENGLISH. Options for assessing parking for students with permanent disabilities should be established in the school. All these services that we have lined up are supposed to make the life of the disabled students comfortable in the college . What happens at home affects a student experiences at school and what happens at school can affect a student peer relationships outside the school. Therefore, the inter-relationship between the working place, which is the school, and the community is vital for good performance. Statistics from the public health service show that at least 75 percent the proportion of people aged ten and older discuss issues related to nutrition, safety and health with family members. Family no matter how loosely attached to it members is initiated, maintained and altered over time. It is where risk factors tend to cluster and in most cases members share genetic history. Family is also the most basic consumer unit for food products and services that influence heath status. It is therefore the major source of streets and social support. Research on the family impact on health provides empiric evidence that family patterns influence such conditions as coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, mental disorders, childhood illness and depression. However, statistics also show that family members have encouraged behavior change to the better. For example 31 present of the married women have helped their husbands to quit bad eating methods. On the other hand, 49 percent of the male population has contributed in their wives weight cut down. Family therefore can be incorporated in effective community involvement in my work place that is the school. This can be done through holding meetings to teach family members on how to positively impact the students hence better outcome as far as behavior change and results are concerned. Mothers are also encouraged to breast-feeding infants up to the age f four to six months. Of age to encourage body immunity and health body in the futures. The problem of health and habits can be solved by introducing health education which showed also be incorporated in the curriculum and taught to the students. Properly designed and implemented school health education programs can be effective in preventing risk behavior. The effectiveness of these programs is influenced by the amount of classroom time devoted to the program, the extent to which school administrators supported the program and the extent to which teachers are prepared and motivated to implement the program. Other aspects of the school environment that is also important to the school health. Are that state and local health departments can work with school to provide a multidimensional program of school health may include school health education, school based health services designed to prevent, detect and address health problems. A healthy and safe school environment, physical education healthful school food services are the factors that make a health student. The college will continue to educate a unique group of traditional and non-traditional students. Many of the students and college serve are unprepared for college level academic and require assistance and involvement opportunities to successfully achieve their academic goals. With the increasing number of community college students who work full time and only attend classes part-time, finding the opportunity to connect and become involved in the college environment is continuing challenge. At the college, effective involvement would occur when students participate in orientation program is receive on going academic assistance and experience a curriculum that connects classroom requirement to workplace relevance of skills. The community can be involved in solving the student's problem by giving advices to the members on behavior and so one. The problem of accommodation can be solved through a practical strategy for developing more effective community involvement in school. The strategy my colleague and I sat down and came up with was to form an association of landlords with rental houses in a radius of ten kilometer from the college. Then strike a deals with them in that they lower the rental fee and allow students to live in them at affordable prices. The school in corporation with the government would pay the fee above the agreed rate hence promoting good living conditions. The landlords are also to provide clean water and sanitation for the students. High security should also be provided and a bleach of any of the conditions the landlords should face the law. The school should also build extra rooms for students to reside in. the school should also divide the large and room into increase room for others. Introduction of double Decker beds was among our suggestion as solution for the accommodation problem. Students with special needs to must get accommodated. They should be given attention and care like washing clothes and so on. The students should receive recreation facilities like a television, which can be placed, in a common room and a swimming pool. In conclusion, in conclusion of the community in the school system is a good and effective idea of bringing out the best in a student. We should practice this strategies for a better tomorrow. The school. In the transport system, the college doesn't have adequate buses to transport students to school. The school roads are in bad shape and near repair. Some students walk to school due to inadequate public vehicles to drive them to school. The hospital system currently has a health nit, which doesn't really serve the student and staff adequately. For students taking vet nary degree, the animal hospital is lacking equipment and enough personnel. This makes it difficult to produce good students for the competitive market outside. Another area in the systemic food and nutrition. The few school cafeteria we have don't feed adequately staff and students in school. There is therefore need to build new cafeteria and include the community. The weakness of the current situation is as follows: Disabled students sometimes do not understand what they are leaning when placed in regular classroom setting. Due to their disability, they also arrive late in classes due to shifting from one hall to another. Moreover they tire quickly and miss some classes. The racially degraded students form a low performance. Due to the transport problems, most students arrive late or worse still miss class. Other students don't attend co-curricular trips hence the study, which would, carried in co-curricular trips fails. Due to gigh traffic they tend to over speed, which causes accidents and loss of lives. The public transport fare is not at a fixed price a time fare hikes and this inconveniences the student and parent. S the school cafeteria is few, some students skip lunch and even breakfast and this causes malnutrition. The food programme and the food offered is not of high nutrients value so it doesn't help the student physical growth and these consequently affect their [performance and health. Areas of accommodation are not safe as they could be in school another weakness of the system is the expensive rent which landlords demand from students. The merits oath system is that it accommodates many students to study. It is less expensive for the administration to run. Students can live in house in large numbers like 4 to raise the rent. My colleagues and I suggested practical strategies for developing a more effective community involvement at our working place. What we came up with, solutions to solve problems in different school structure as strategies for developing more effective community involvement on the school. The school hospital colleagues looked at several problems such as lack of nutrition related services such screening and diagnosis as well as treatment and rfera; l. These were as a result of lack of effective community involvement. A service like screening and diagnosis include food consumption surveys, measurement of body weight and height and blood test. These screenings can assess health and deficiencies and indicators of chronic diseases. The treatment/referral services are based on the result of screening. Schools should have procedures for ensuring that important health problems are addressed. If feeding, the school offers micronutrients supplementation, counseling or deforming programmers, this may be simply a matter of working with students, parents and other school staff to agree upon and implement treatment services. For health problems, which cannot be treated on site, the school should be prepared to refer students and staff to providers of health and other human services in the community. To operate an effective outside referral service, the school must establish good relationships with these other providers (the community) keep information bout their services, eligibility requirements, physical location, costs, hours of operation, contact information etc. p to date follow up with the client and provider to determine whether the problem has been resolved. Nutritional well-being is established by consuming safe foods s part of a balanced diet that contains adequate amounts of nutrients in relation to bodily requirements. Malnutrition is any physical condition resulting either from inappropriate diet or form physical inability absorb or metabolism nutrients. Malnutrition includes over nutrition; more energy food is consumed than expected, resulting in excess body fat and under-nutrition which occurs when not enough total for energy nutrients are consumed, resulting in low body weight and nutrient deficiencies. Malnutrition can be related can be related to various factors such as poverty, infections, which lead in poor appetite and lack of access to food, sanitation and health services. Malnutrition negatively affects the quality of life and learning and can eventually cause diseases and death. Colleagues from the school cafeteria complain of many students turn up for lunch but, but they cant feed them all. The school should therefore look at the community for help. This is whereby individuals from the community can construct other cafeterias for students to feed from them. My colleagues also suggested that the outside cafeterias should offer a variety of health promotion interventions that intergagrate efforts to efforts to ensure students nutritional adequacy. The interventions arccoding to (Bowby , (1995 ) p 155) include micronutrient supplementation and a good feeding programme. The first intervention constitutes supply of micronutrients separately from the normal diet to individuals who are at a high risk of deficiency diseases. These supplements may include vitamin A to prevent blindness, iron tablets to prevent anemia and iodized oil or salt to prevent goiter and mental retardation. The feeding program interventions consist of providing breakfast, lunch and some snack in the evening. The meals should be provided at the right time, in reduced prices so as to increase availability of food to students. The outside vendors who sell snacks inside or near the school property should be encouraged by the school to offer nutritious food choices, which are clean and not expired to encourage the school's health promotion effort. Bibliography: Elementary school Administration by Oscar T. Jarvis Legal issues in school Health services by Nadine C. Schwab. School choice and social controversy by Stephen D. Sugar man, Frank R. Kemmerer The Educator's Guide to Texas school law by Jim Walsh Frank R. Kemmerer, Laurie Manicottis Willard. Elbe and Harold J. McNally, Elementary school Administration and Supervision p.91 New York: American book. . Davis, B. el at.[2002] physical education and the study of sports 4th ed London, Mosby. Bowby, J [1951] Maternal care and mental health.Monograph series,no.2 Geneva, world Heealth Organization.

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